Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lol, took a new photo with these glasses that were found in my purse. I honestly thought there'd be no use for it, but I really like it ;) It'd totally go alone well with a vintage outfit.
Halloween is coming up, and still undeclared whether to make a costume or not dress up at all. I love Marie Antoinette, but it'd be really fun to dress up as Rapunzel as well. Lol, that means I will have to purchase a ton of extensions for the long hair. Oh what a costume that would be ;)

Monday, September 6, 2010

I am debating whether I should dress up for Halloween or not. If I do, I of course want to make my own costume. My desired costume is in between "The Duchess" and "Marie Antoinette" time period. I love the Rococo period because all the pastels, huge dresses, tall hair and cute hats are to-die for! Of course, it's going to cost money to make such an extravagant costume. Idk if I would even get to show off my costume... hmm.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

where real fashion is @

hello everyone! it's been a while since i've been on blogspot. it's quite a drag to get onto blogger considering none of my friends are here to inspire me to keep blogging. lol, however, i think it's fun to write about random things, upload photos on posts. i just love HAULS on blogger ;)

been super busy with school... and did i mention, BOOKS are super, crazy expensive. thank goodness for financial aid; even that is not enough ;(